Primary key in SQL

A primary key is a field (or more) that identifies a single record (row) in a table.

For a key field value there is only one record.

Let's see an example, if we have a table with people data, the document number can be set as a primary key, it is a non-repeating value; There may be people with the same surname and first name, even the same address (father and son for example), but their document will always be different.

If we have the table "users", the name of each user can be established as a primary key, it is a value that is not repeated; There may be users with the same password, but their username will always be different.

We can set a field to be the primary key when the table is created or after it has been created. We are going to learn how to set it when creating the table. There is no single way to do it, for now we will see the simplest syntax.

We have our table "users" defined with 2 fields ("name" and "password").

The basic and general syntax is as follows:

 create table TABLENAME (






What we do add, after the definition of each field, "primary key" and between parentheses, the name of the field that will be the primary key.

In the following example we define a primary key for our "users" table to ensure that each user will have a different and unique name:

 create table users (

  name varchar2 (20),

  key varchar2 (10),

  primary key (name)


A table can only have one primary key. Any field (of any type) can be a primary key, it must meet the requirement that its values ​​are not repeated or null. Therefore, when defining a field as primary key, Oracle automatically converts it to "not null".

After having established a field as primary key, when entering records, Oracle controls that the values ​​for the field established as primary key are not repeated in the table; if they are repeated, it shows a message and the insertion is not carried out. In other words, if in our "users" table there is already a user named "juanperez" and we try to enter a new user with name "juanperez", a message appears and the "insert" instruction is not executed.

Likewise, if we perform an update, Oracle controls that the values ​​for the field set as the primary key are not repeated in the table, if it were, a message appears indicating that the primary key is violated and the update is not performed.

We can see the field set as the primary key of a table by performing the following query:

 select uc.table_name, column_name from user_cons_columns ucc

  join user_constraints uc

  on ucc.constraint_name = uc.constraint_name

  where uc.constraint_type = 'P' and

  uc.table_name = 'USERS';

We will not explain the previous query for the moment, we will only execute it; if the query returns an empty table, it means that the specified table has no primary key. The table name MUST be in uppercase, otherwise Oracle will not find it.


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