Pattern search (like - not like)
There is a relational operator that is used to perform string-only comparisons, "like" and "not like". We have made queries using relational operators to compare strings. Examples: we know how to retrieve books whose author is equal to the string "Borges": select * from books where author = 'Borges'; The equal operator ("=") allows us to compare strings of characters, but when performing the comparison, it looks for matches of complete strings, it performs an exact search. Let's imagine that we have these 2 books registered: "El Aleph", "Borges"; "Poetic Anthology", "JL Borges"; If we want to recover all the books of "Borges" and we specify the following condition: select * from books where author = 'Borges'; Only the first record will appear, since the string "Borges" is not the same as the string "JL Borges". This happens because the operator "